PPV Fan Performance Potential
Not all PPV fans are designed the same, perform the same, or even have the same airflow type. So understanding how your fan works and what its Performance Potential is will help you accomplish your goals- to Pressurize, to Ventilate, or both. So here’s what you to...
Small PPV Fans vs. Large PPV Fans: Comparing Performance
When you’re looking for the best PPV fan, you might be asking yourself, “Large or small?” In this guide, we examine the nuances of this decision for you.
How Ventilation Affects a Fire
How does ventilation affect a fire? It allows smoke and heat to escape and makes it easier for firefighters to work. Click here to learn more.
What To Consider When Buying a PPV Firefighting Fan
Before continue our discussion on “size matters,” let’s recap where our journey has taken us. In Part 1 we discussed why size matters when it comes to truck space, what that “sweet spot” might just look like regarding tools storage on a truck, and about why “relative...
The Importance of Portable, Ergonomic PPV Fans
We understand that dealing with smoke/fire ventilation is a rushed business. Read on to learn about the importance of portable, ergonomic PPV fans.
Types Of Fire Extinguishers
A fire extinguisher is a crucial piece of safety equipment to have at home or in the workplace. It can put out a small fire or suppress it until the fire department arrives, saving lives and property. However, not all fire extinguishers are the same. There are 4 types...
Fire Prevention & Safety Strategies
Even a small fire can be devastating for your home or business. Although being prepared for the worst-case scenario certainly is important, taking steps to prevent fires from breaking out in the first place means you may not have to suffer through the aftermath of a...
What You Need To Meet Basic Firefighter Requirements
It goes without saying that firefighters are a special breed of person. The willingness to put your life on the line to rescue and protect others from all types of dangerous and threatening situations is one of the most important prerequisites for joining this elite...
Basic Firefighter Skills
Being a firefighter means more than dousing flames. Over a career, a firefighter might be called to respond in the event of auto accidents, hazardous chemical spills, natural disasters and more. There’s nothing basic about basic firefighter skills — but there are...
Structural Firefighting
One of the most challenging aspects of being a firefighter is that no two fires are exactly alike. Although each call brings a unique set of trials and circumstances, there are certain general categories into which a fire can fall. Within these categories, first...
So much of the personal protective equipment (PPE) that firefighters wear is meant to protect them from the often-deadly environments they face. Helmets keep them safe from falling debris; respirators filter smoke and toxic fumes; turnout gear insulates them against...
Our circadian rhythm is our body’s internal 24-hour clock. It works by taking cues from the sun’s daily appearance. When properly aligned with daylight hours, our circadian rhythm works well. However, fighting that daily light cycle by attempting to be productive late...