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We’re always here to help! You can either call us at +1 541 967 0063 or email us for direct assistance.

Michael Hadlock

Owner/Creator, Engineer

Ben Hadlock

Vice President, Sales and Distribution, Customer Support

Rebekah Hadlock

Operations Manager, Marketing and Advertising, Customer Support

Ed Schwanke

Customer Support Technician

Rhonda Hill

Business Manager, Accounts Manager

Customer Support

Customer Support:

A firefighter in full protective gear kneeling behind BlowHard's Squirt, Quickee, and Commando PPV fan models, adjusting the Commando model.

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A firefighter in front of a fire truck carrying BlowHard's Squirt fan model over their right shoulder.

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During the week of FDIC April 7th-12th get 20% off your order!

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