Before continue our discussion on “size matters,” let’s recap where our journey has taken us. In Part 1 we discussed why size matters when it comes to truck space, what that “sweet spot” might just look like regarding tools storage on a truck, and about why “relative storage” was important. In Part 2 we went into why size matters in the deployment process, why portability and ergonomics matter, and why “relative portability” should not be ignored. Part 3 took a look at why size matters when it comes to performance, and what that means to you. We learned that a longer blade and larger shroud diameter directly correlated to the size of the Jetstream, and a larger Jetstream plugs more of the entrance, reducing pressure loss there and increasing performance. In Part 4 we want to talk about size matters when it comes to simplicity vs complexity, and how the “extra” stuff can really add up. So with that being said, you might be asking yourself what to consider when buying a PPV fan.


That oh-so-familiar acronym, “Keep It Simple Stu…Silly!” Creating high performing tools that are easy and simple to use without compromising performance is a top BlowHard priority. From storage to portability, from deployment to maintenance, from start to finish, the entire process with BlowHard fans is made easy, by design, with the firefighter in mind. In fact, “easy” is integrated into a BlowHard fan so the firefighter doesn’t have to even think about it.

Easy-to-use fans alleviate worries about over charging or over discharging the battery because our integrated BMS (onboard smart Battery Management System) takes care of this for you by preventing it. Easy is having the integrated battery charge itself when the fan is plugged in and off. Easy is also having the BMS automatically perform routine cell maintenance on the battery when the charging process is complete and while the fan remains plugged in. Easy is the automatic switching between battery and a/c power that occurs when an a/c power source is introduced to or removed from the fan. Easy is having a well-balanced fan with an ergonomic handle to easily remove from the apparatus, deploy, and return to the apparatus.

Having an integrated battery and integrated power supply ensures you have dedicated power sources for the tool. Having an integrated smart BMS to monitor and maintain the battery ensures you have an optimized battery and reduces the risk or degradation. If you plug the unit in when not in use, you know the condition and state of the battery. Easy is not worrying where to make room on the apparatus for the external chargers, there are none. Easy is not having to figure out what external batteries are at what capacity, and which ones still need charged. While using hot-swappable batteries that can be used and shared among a number of tools is inviting, this adds complexity, and more chance for things to go awry.

Our team likes to K.I.S.S. Easy is no extra stuff to monitor, maintain, or store, just a high performing fan that has everything you need built in. It is our goal to design simple, battery-powered fans that support your team by operating in the most highly effective manner possible. We got your back.

From our team to yours,
Team BlowHard

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